To cheer myself up from my moment of losing some money at Luxor, I dragged mr. bunnie to Jean-Philippe's chocolate store in Bellagio to buy some treats. Since the last time I saw the flowing waterfalls of rich dark, milk, and white chocolate... i was in love. It smelled so heavenly in that store. My original thought was to get a crepe to share with mr bunnie – particularly savory crepe.... YUM! By the time I went around the little circular dessert bar, I had already picked up four desserts (hence the picture), then a extremely dense but moist looking fruitcake for my mom, a smoked salmon sandwich and a package of 4 macaroons. Not sure how it happened, but my bill was over $85. $85 in less than 3 mins? This was just as bad as those slot machines or roulette tables. What the hell???? Didn't realize that the package of 4 macaroons cost me like over $12 and so did the salmon sandwich. Granted a smoked salmon sandwich can cost that and then some. But if you saw the size of that sandwich and then saw the price, you'd would wonder if the smoked salmon was encrusted with invisible 24k gold flakes — think tea sandwich size. Anyhoo, did it bring us some happiness? Yes. Was it memorable? Not so much. Next time, I'll be spending my $85 somewhere else... somewhere like Frederic Robert's chocolate place at the Wynn before it closed. That my friend, was worth every penny.